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2015Panasonic推出3D打印照片實驗室有120 Lumix相機


來源:互聯網    2024-04-09


Panasonic Launches 3D Printing Photo Lab with 120 Lumix Cameras

3D portraiture is one of the most immediately consumer-ready 3D printing products available, but it’s been slow to catch on with big name businesses, though Disney/Marvel has been testing out 3D printed figurines customized to look like super heroes and Star Wars characters.? Panasonic in Japan, however, is now jumping on board, launching its first 3D portrait booth.

120 lumix cameras panasonic 3D printing studio

At the Panasonic Center in Osaka, the tech giant has opened up a massive 3D scanning room for creating 3D portraits. To pull it off, the company installed 120 LUMIX GH4 cameras, which sell at a whopping $1,200+ a pop.? These high-powered DSLRs are able to capture high resolution images of more than 2 billion pixels.? And because they can take those pics in a flash (1/1000 of a second to be exact), the booth as a whole can capture a 3D portrait in seconds, eliminating the need to worry about movement in hair or clothing.? These portraits can then be 3D printed into the colorful mini-mes we’ve grown accustomed to seeing on 3DPI. Due to the size of the booth, two people can be captured at once, with the company billing it as ideal for weddings, birthdays, and, even, retirement.

120 lumix cameras for 3d printing studio panasonic

Those in the Osaka area can schedule an appointment to have a portrait made.? The subsequent “3D premium figure” will then ship in about three weeks time.? To see the booth in action, watch the video below.? It’s difficult to determine if, at this point, Panasonic is really that interested in 3D printing, or if they see it more as a marketing tool to sell the LUMIX GH4.? I suppose we’ll know if these shops start popping up all over Japan or the world.


2015Panasonic推出3D打印照片實驗室有120 Lumix相機

2015Panasonic推出3D打印照片實驗室有120 Lumix相機
3D肖像畫是可用的最直接的消費者準備的3D打印産品之一,但它已經慢趕在與大牌企業,盡管迪士尼/驚奇一直在測試了自定義的,看起來像超級英雄和星球大戰人物3D打印俑。 ?鬆下在日本,但是,現在跳在船上,推出其首款3D畫像的展臺。

120 lumix cameras panasonic 3D printing studio

在鬆下中心大阪,科技巨頭開辟了用於創建3D肖像一個巨大的三維掃描室。要成功的話,該公司安裝了120 LUMIX GH4攝像頭,這在高達$1,200個+彈出賣?這些高性能數碼單反相機能夠捕捉到超過20十億像素的高分辨率圖像。?而且,因為它們可以利用這些照片在一瞬間(的第二確切地說仟分之一),展位作為一個整體可以捕獲3D畫像秒,無需在頭發或衣服擔心運動。?這些畫像可以被3D打印成五顔六色的小型MES我們已經習慣於看到在3DPI。由於展位的大小,兩個人可以一次拍攝的,與該公司計費它作為理想的婚禮,生日,和,甚至報廢。

120 lumix cameras for 3d printing studio panasonic

那些在大阪地區可以預約有一個人像發?隨後的“3D頂級人物”將接船在大約三周的時間。?要看到在行動展位,觀看下麵的視頻?這是很難確定,在這一點上,鬆下在3D打印真的感興趣,或者他們看到更多的是一種營銷手段出售LUMIX GH4?我想我們就會知道,如果這些店鋪開始雨後春筍般冒出來日本各地和世界各地。



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